Eliminate ADD and ADHD
Symptoms – Permanently

If you are on this page, odds are you or your child are experiencing the difficulty which ADHD and ADD can cause: lack of concentration, increased irritability, less stress tolerance, more meltdowns, reduced productivity. This begins to erode relationships and life quality over time. You don’t have to live with ADD or ADHD crippling you, and reducing your productivity, and driving your reactivity or that of your child.

ADHD symptoms are typically connected to a brain which is “out of balance” or locked in “a state of fight or flight”, resulting in the inability to concentrate or focus for any length of time. This also leads to insomnia or other sleep challenges because the brain can’t stop…it is like a runaway train, resulting in fatigue, increased stress and loss of self-confidence.

Neurofeedback can help you or your child develop an improved ability to focus and concentrate naturally by bringing calm to the frontal lobe and the whole brain.

Neurofeedback Can Improve Brainwave Efficiency

Think of your brain as a sophisticated computer. When the operating system is optimal, it runs smoothly and efficiently with focused energy and clarity. Those struggling with ADD or ADHD typically have brain waves that are running too fast or too slow. Neurofeedback supports the brain to autoregulate the brain waves back into homeostatic balance, meaning back to the way God created them to work. As this happens, the patient finds his focus increasing, motivation returning, ability to carry out tasks more efficiently, and handling life’s bumps with greater ease and stable emotions.

It Works for Both Children and Adults:

“Neurofeedback with Dr LaGree and Juanita is one of the best investments I have made in my health and wellbeing. So many of the indicators I came in for have been helped: brain fog; executive functioning; my ability to handle stress and recover from it increased; even my jumbled speech patterns improved! It’s truly like going in and getting a brain hug and a quick 20 minutes or so of pure peace and bliss. Ahh, the wonderful sleep you will start experiencing is worth it alone!” – Cat G.

“My daughter is doing SO much better, at school and at home since her Neurofeedback (or “brain hugs” as she calls them)! She’s able to focus more, is calmer and has much less anxiety. I cannot recommend them enough! The changes I’ve seen in my daughter are nothing short of miraculous! THANK YOU Beyond Limits!!” – Kathy C.

“My husband has really changed since Dr LaGree helped him with his brain problems. Before he was so angry and irritable. And he could never seem to stay on a project, always jumping around to other things or changing subject in a conversation like an ADHD child would do. He frequently forgot what I told him 2 minutes before…it was frustrating for us both! He also had trouble sleeping. ALL THAT CHANGED! Now he is more calm, and seems to be able to focus better in his thinking. He doesn’t get frustrated with life so easily, and he sleeps like a baby now!! I am so glad I brought him to do neurofeedback at Beyond Limits…it has made both our lives better!” – Dawn S.

The Training is a Natural Process

Neurofeedback is a modality which works with the brain’s natural ability and neuroplasticity to normalize and work efficiently. There are no side effects to this treatment…it is natural and gentle. Our type of Neurofeedback Therapy does not force the brain to change, rather it nurtures the brain back to it’s preferred normal neuropathways by relaxing it out of fight or flight locked state. It works by placing small sensors lightly on the scalp. These sensors bathe the brain in a very, very gently level of frequency/energy which feel soothing and natural to the brain, calming it back into a place of clarity, peak performance, and rest. Because it is so gently, the brain doesn’t react – it responds positively. Due to the brain “choosing” to respond to this input (rather than being “forced” into a change), the positive results experienced by patients happen 70% faster than other Neurofeedback and Biofeedback modalities, and the results are more lasting.

Long Term Results

Remember when you first learned to ride a bike?  Over time, with repetition and practice, you learned how to stay balanced, and could ride safely in all types of conditions. Neurofeedback training works the same way – by repetition the brain begins to feel safe in this healthy functioning and over time it becomes a new “habit” of preferred operation, resulting in lasting life change for the better. These new pathways are permanent, allowing your brain to function more efficiently long term. The result – No more ADD/ADHD symptoms!

Schedule your FREE evaluation with Dr Lagree. Or call (864) 412-8142 to speak with our friendly staff in person.

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