Our Neurofeedback Staff

Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to helping you achieve optimal brain function and improve your quality of life through neurofeedback therapy.

Dr. Jeff LaGree, D.C.

Dr. Jeff LaGree, D.C.

Founder & Neurofeedback Specialist

Dr. Jeff LaGree is a licensed chiropractor who has worked with the US Olympic Wrestling Team, top professional super-cross and outdoor motocross athletes, several elite professional and division 1 collegiate athletes in both baseball, basketball, and football.


Pioneering and developing the Beyond Limits approach to natural health through “root-cause” laboratory testing, along with world-class nutritional supplementation recovery programs was one piece of the puzzle. Being in automobile and motocross crashes himself, Dr. LaGree found another missing piece to the puzzle…Neurofeedback.

Dr. LaGree is a walking testimony of the body’s amazing ability to heal itself! Following a multiple traumatic fracture injury to his neck (6 cervical fractures with 2 neck vertebrae broken in half like a horseshoe at C5 and C6 levels, along with 3 broken ribs) on his motocross bike on an 80-foot peaky jump-face that he came in a little short on! Dr LaGree entered into the Level 1 Trauma Center on a Saturday morning destined to meet the Lead Trauma Surgeon heading up the rest of the Medical Program (there were 4 medical doctors on call that day). The Lead Surgeon with over 40 years of experience walked into the room and said, “All four of my colleagues want to fuse you and put your fractures back together with rods and screws!”…and I said, “Yup, I get it.” Then, the Old Wise Granddad-looking Surgeon said, “But THAT WOULD BE THE WRONG CALL!” My whole world froze in that moment as I looked deep into his eyes and into his soul, in utter disbelief and amazement. The next words out of my mouth were, “ARE YOU SURE??!??!” As I sat upright with 6 traumatic neck fractures, with adrenaline coursing through my bloodstream, I looked deep inside his soul and eyes one more time, and asked again, “ARE YOU SURE!!??” The silent pause seemed like an eternity…. then the old gray-hair said, “We are going to put you in a cervical hard-collar brace, and in 6 months you’ll be fine. We will X-ray you at 30, 60, 90 days and in 6 months you’ll be fine.”

Dr. LaGree speaking: “I spent the next 6 month sleeping in a Lazy Boy Recliner upright…at day 30 the Power that made the body began to heal my body. One side of my horseshoe-looking neck vertebra fracture that was sitting 13 mm back, came up and touched the other side of its vertebra, kinda like it knew it had to close and protect the spinal cord. The innate intelligence of God inside my body began to bring together the 2 half-rings over the next 30, 60, 90 day X-ray checks with the Lead Surgeon. At 6 months, I was able to practice chiropractic again. That Surgeon’s decision to not operate saved my life and allowed me to be able to practice today. He didn’t do the surgery because he knew I was a chiropractor and he didn’t want me to be on disability. God was watching over me that day and right on time, put a living angel in my path who made the right call that allowed me to continue to be able to help others!

“Fast forward a number of years…. I wondered why life was becoming harder than it should be professionally and personally. I was struggling with anxiety attacks, ADHD and ADD, memory loss, insomnia, depression from my history of concussions. I heard about Neurofeedback training and was able to get my joyful and relaxed self back again with this life-changing, natural, long-lasting, root-cause solution to my problems.”

Dr. LaGree’s personal victory and years of extensive research have enabled him to help others suffering from ADHD, ADD, panic attacks, anxiety attacks, memory loss, bipolar, autism, depression, PTSD, migraines, insomnia, concussions, seizures, stroke recovery and help them achieve real lasting change.

Juanita Stauffer

Juanita Stauffer

Holistic Health Facilitator

HI! I am Juanita Stauffer, Holistic Health Coach and Neurofeedback Technician at Beyond Limits. Let me tell you a bit of the story why I am here….

I grew up in Canada as a Mennonite missionary kid, caring for animals on a small farm, growing our own meat and vegetables. I was very strong and healthy, without much incident of sickness until age 18 when I suffered a sports injury and a painful relationship. Immediately my health weakened and I began having some sugar issues, etc. It was in my 30’s, after a traumatic experience that my health broke. I began catching every flu that came along; I developed hormone issues, a heart condition, constant cough, frequent migraines, diabetes, and incredible fatigue. An auto accident left me with debilitating back pain which didn’t leave, even with medications and physical therapy. The medication I received for the pain gave me constant, violent diarrhea which caused mal-absorption of my food, bringing brain fog which threatened my career as a bookkeeper for a multi-million dollar furniture company!

Thank God, He brought Dr LaGree across my path right then. Through his amazing holistic root cause understanding and nutritional support, he guided me to rebuild my immune system and deal with the inflammation which had been slowly killing me. In less than 2 months, I felt like a changed person; my heart had calmed down, hormones began to level out, and energy came back. Five months later I felt and looked like a WHOLE NEW PERSON…in the process having lost 42 pounds, regaining the size and energy I had 20 years before!!

Dr LaGree then further changed my life with Neurofeedback. Years of sports injuries, multiple auto accidents, and a lifetime of spiritual/emotional suppression had left me battling anxiety and depression daily! Inferiority and worry dogged my steps, and my thoughts felt like a tornado most of the time – a thousand different things hitting my brain at once. When we mapped my brain, I finally understood why I could never seem to “get over it” even with functional medicine, meditation, exercise, and personal character development! I felt comforted knowing there was a Reason and a Solution for my Problem. We began brain training, and almost instantly I felt relief! I slept better, woke with less of that heavy feeling I had been used to greeting my morning with. My brain was less cluttered; I could actually choose my thoughts instead of them hitting me from all different directions at once, making me feel crazy. I felt more calm, in control of my mind and life! INCREDIBLE!!!

I joined the Beyond Limits Team in order to help coach others to a better life, to help them discover what levels of health can be achieved for themselves, so they can live their life more fully!! Each week, I get to watch miracles happening and lives being changed! This is my life mission now…. helping people understand their own bodies better and experience the freedom of healing in their lives. COME JOIN US!

Our Approach

At Beyond Limits Neurofeedback, we believe in a comprehensive approach to brain health. Our team combines cutting-edge neurofeedback technology with holistic health practices to address both the brain and gut function. This unique method has led to lasting success for our patients, resulting in improved mental health, reduced stress, and optimized brain performance.

We are committed to making every patient feel cared for and understood. Our goal is to provide the best personalized, effective care to help you become "THE BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF!"

Ready to start your journey to better brain health?

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Insights from Beyond Limits: Our Blog

Discover a Drug-Free, Lasting Relief for Anxiety, ADHD, Depression, and More Neurofeedback therapy

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